A Behind the Scenes Look at My Road to $100,000,000

Published about 1 year ago • 6 min read

Hello there. Tim here.

You are beautiful and you can do great things in this life. I believe in you.


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1. A Behind the Scenes Look at My Road to $100,000,000

This week's issue is a bit different. I am going to give you a behind the scenes look at what's created the most success for me so far.

I don't have any new lessons for you. I haven't had any new mind bending realizations or success stories that I can teach you.

This week, I did the same things I have been doing for the last 10 years. Over and over again.

My entire process is based on trying, failing, learning, and repeating.

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Tim Stoddart
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March 17th 2023

Guess what?

I made an extra $40,000 this week. I didn't use any fancy marketing hacks and I didn't run any ads. I did it the old fashioned way.

Here's how ...

Stodzy Internet Marketing

Stodzy has been in business for 11 years. I owe so much of my life to this company. The failures and learning experiences in building a team have been challenging, rewarding, enlightening, and profitable.

The culture of Stodzy has been committed to excellence from day one, and I owe so much to Bryan, Tricia, Naomi, David, Sam, Krystina and the rest of the team for dedicating themselves to the idea of "always do your best."

This simple methodology is why Stodzy is finally hitting the pinnacle point of explosive growth.

We do the best work, so because of that, everyone is talking about us. Since people are talking about us, that has been creating a scenario where everyone wants to work with us.

This isn't a result of high level marketing or some genius branding strategy. This is a result of doing the best work in the industry, every day, for 10 years.

I can't show you the backend revenue numbers Stodzy like I can for other companies, but what I can tell you is that we closed 3 new contracts this week, all of whom were referrals or upsells from current clients.

That's an extra $16,000 MRR, not including the additional revenue for new site designs and developments.

What feels the best is that our clients are HAPPY to spend this extra money with us, because our work always generates a return.

It feels really good. I'm feeling so incredibly grateful for my team.

Copyblgger Academy

It's finally happening! I am FINALLY mastering the process of building a successful membership site business.

This month I increased the monthly recurring revenue by 35%.

The best part is that I haven't had a single refund request of cancellation. Not one. So far, everyone this year has gone through the 30 day trial period and has decided to continue being a part of The Academy. I've put my full effort into building the best online academy in the world, and our members are a testament to that.

To see for yourself, click this link to get access to a 30 day trial for just $1.

I've worked so hard on this project. There have been so many setbacks and failures on my part. I've made so many mistakes and my ego was my worst enemy because I didn't listen to other people who gave me good advice along the way. I'm a stubborn mule and for some reason I insisted on doing it the hard way.

I've learned so much about this business model.

Some Tips for Those of You Who Want to Build a Membership Site

  • If you're going to build a membership site or even sell courses, use Circle. Switching to this platform was a HUGE turning point for me.
  • Spend time and money creating an excellent onboarding sequence. The first month MUST be an amazing experience for your members.
  • Spend more time in the engagement then you think is necessary. People want to be heard and appreciated.
  • It will take longer then you think, so be patient.

The scalability of Copyblogger Academy is extremally high because it takes the same amount of work for me to serve 100 members as it does to serve 10,000 members. This will probably end up being my most profitable company to date.

The Lesson

Some entrepreneurs hit it big. They come out of nowhere and then suddenly explode onto the scene with BIG sales and build a big following.

That hasn't been my experience.

My journey has been a grind. I've built my business drop by drop.

Most likely, that will be your experience too.

Embrace the grind. Embrace the process. Embrace the fact that you have no idea what you're doing, because no one else knows what they're doing either.

Consistency is the life hack you're looking for. I don't know how to do it any other way.


What an amazing episode.

Ethan hit me with the surprise of his published book and I couldn't be happier for him. This turned into an amazing conversation about writing, publishing, the emotional turmoil of being a writer, and what it takes to write a "masterpiece."

You will love with episode. It was a joy to record.

Click here to listen to the full episode.

3. Sponsor this Newsletter

Guess what? You're reading promotional content in a newsletter. Sponsoring influencer newsletters, like mine, is a great way to reach engaged and targeted audiences. It will build your brand — whether that is your personal brand or your business. The Tim Stodz newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network. This network connects businesses to audiences of newsletter readers. For example, you can sponsor this newsletter and connect with about 10,200 people with similar interests to yours.

Apply to be a sponsor

4. What To Do If You're Just Getting Started (And Don't Want to Start an Agency)

I received a DM on Twitter the other day.

Someone asked me what they should do if they want to start a business but DON'T want to create a service business. What's the fastest way to get to $10,000 a month?

I thought about it a lot and the answer might surprise you.

Click here to watch the full video.

5. Final Thought - "The Money is the Motive"

Many of you will know of Justin Welsh.

I've never spoken to Justin, but I respect the brand he's built. He's made a few million bucks from a LinkedIn course he created. He's always struck me as a good guy, a hard worker, and a real pro.

He writes great content on his social media, and the other day he published this post.

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Justin Welsh
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March 14th 2023

This is a typical thing to say on Twitter. Every day I read posts that say things like ...

  • "provide value"
  • "profit from your passion"
  • "it's not all about the money"

Here was my response...

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Tim Stoddart
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March 14th 2023

I wish more people were forthcoming about why they work. Somewhere over the last ten years, we came up with this collective idea that work should be fun and meaningful. How did that happen?

My dad threw suit cases under airplanes for 20 years. He herniated two disks in the process. He found meaning in the life he built for his family and the community he created, not from the work itself.

If you are lucky enough to live in a time where you can tell yourself that "the money will come" then that's great. But the reality of the world is that you work to make a living. The money is the motive.

And that's how it should be.

I'll never lose sight of that fact. I am committed to being the guy that talks about money and talks about the desire to make more money and isn't ashamed of it. I will always share my experiences on what's working, what's not working, and help you apply the lessons into your own life.

You want to learn the practical skills, tools, strategies, techniques and the mindset that will help you make more sales so you can provide for yourself and your family.

I get it. That's what I want too.

Straight talk.

I'll never be the fluff guy. Because you can't survive on fluff.

Love you guys. Talk to you next week.


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