I'm Back

Published 12 months ago • 2 min read

Hey there. Tim here.

Did you miss me? I hope so. I missed you.

I'm sure you're wondering why I haven't shown up in your inbox the last two Fridays. I have a good reason, and today, I will fill you in on the details and give you an update about what's going on from this point forward.


Many of you saw the big news. If you haven't, I am now 100% owner of Copyblogger Media. It's a dream come true.

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Tim Stoddart
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May 1st 2023

As exciting as it is, it's also been a lot of work.

The biggest reason I haven't sent you the weekly newsletter is because I am now sending it through the Copyblogger brand.

If you enjoy the newsletter, you can still get it by simply going to copyblogger.com and subscribing. The format is exactly the same. In fact, you can get caught up on the last two issues by clicking the links below.

That newsletter will still be delivered every Friday at 9 am ET. Nothing changes other than the logo at the top.

Will I Still Be Sending Out a TimStodz Newsletter?

Yes. I will continue to send a weekly newsletter to you, but there will be some changes.

First, it will be shorter. As much as I love to write them, they take a lot of effort and time and I simply can't spend an additional 4 hours each week writing another newsletter.

Don't worry, they will still be high value and very entertaining and I think you will enjoy the new format.

Second, it will go out every Monday instead of every Friday.

Writing two newsletters every Friday morning isn't possible. I already have to wake up at 4 am Friday mornings to get my current newsletter out, so I need to split it up.

Lastly, I will sprinkle in content from all my other companies and from my other interests.

I am priviledged to work with some of the most talented people in the world. As part of my newsletter, I hope to showcase different ideas from these people, and even ideas from other interests I have.

For instance, I'll share articles from ...

Who knows, maybe I'll share videos from my Muay Thai training, hikes I go on with my family, conferences I go to, and more.

The point is, this new format will feature a much more wide ranging group of experts to help you succeed, grow your business, and create multiple streams of income.

I'll finish with this

I can't explain how priviledged I feel to be able to write for you each week. There were brief moments when I contemplated shutting this down because I don't want to lose focus on other projects.

But I owe it to you.

You have shown up for me every Friday for the last two years.

I made a promise to you. And I am keeping that promise.

Thanks for believing in me.

Love you guys.

Talk to you next week.


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