I'm Giving Away All My Products FOR FREE

Published almost 2 years ago • 4 min read

Hello. Tim here.

I'm sitting at my kitchen counter writing this newsletter. I'm playing classical music and I can hear my wife and son upstairs laughing hysterically during bath time. How did I get here and what dream am I in?

If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up.


Digital Commerce Partners is the content marketing and SEO agency from me, Brian Clark, and Jon Nastor.

Ready to level up? Click here to see if we are a good fit.

1. Why I'm Giving Away all My Products for FREE

This is either the smartest idea or the dumbest idea I've ever had.

From this point forward, membership to the Tim Stodz Academy will be completely free. I am giving all my courses as well.

Why am I doing this?

Let me tell you a story about how Ethan accidentally convinced me to give all my products away for free.

2. How to Automate Your Agency

On this week’s episode, Ethan and I talk through the automations that I use to allow my agency to run smoothly, remotely, and without any micromanagement.

These ideas will transfer to other types of service businesses too, so check it out!

Click here to listen on iTunes and click here to listen on Spotify.

3. How Celsius Took the Entire Crypto Market Down With It

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June 13th 2022

This entire crypto crash is a stunning example about how quickly people can let their emotions take control and how FOMO makes people completely ignore logic and reason.

You think you're not vulnerable to frenzy like behavior, but you are.

Grab your popcorn. This is an amazing story.

4. Three Strategies to Grow Your Email List (Bootstrapper Members Only)

We’ve talked about the difference between rented, borrowed, and owned audiences and why distribution itself is the most valuable aspect of your bootstrapped business.

Remember: Attention is an asset, so everything you do should be focused on growing your email list.

Today, we’re going deeper on 3 strategies to do it.

P.S. - Corey and I are offering a 30% off discount to The Bootstrapper for readers of my newsletter. Click here to take advantage of this special offer. It's worth it.

5. Display Ads are Dying Right Alongside Newspaper Ads. Here is Your Opportunity!

Above is a fascinating chart that shows the relationship between print only newspaper ads and online ads. It's clear that the market is no longer interested in displaying banner ads on websites.

Most people see this and think "stick a fork in it, it's dead." But I see this graph and all I see is opportunity.

Companies need to put their ad dollars somewhere. In some cases, the criteria of venture funding is to spend a certain amount of money on advertising. The money is there and it needs to go somewhere.

If display ads are dying, where are startups going to put their money?

Facebook conversions are still decent, but they are getting worse every year. TikTok has incredible traffic metrics, but very low conversion to sales.

So what's next?


Please listen to me. The podcast ad industries and personal newsletter ad industries are barely getting started.

If you want to protect yourself and be in a position to generate income independently, then start building your damn email list.

Your future self will thank you.

6. Following Along Codie's Laundromat Empire

Codie Sanchez is so cool.

She's been killing it with Contrarian Thinking. Not to mention she's been killing it by building "boring" businesses that are not on the internet.

If that wasn't enough, she recently launched a YouTube channel and her videos are DOOOPPEE!

I thought this was a great video. It's informative, and helpful, and Codie is confident without being pretentious.

Click here to watch the video.

7. How to Write Sub Headings that Hook Your Reader

Subheadings are so underutilized.

You probably don't appreciate how much people do "visual reading." This is a concept I came up with when I would look at mobile heat maps on my articles to see where people were stopping as they were scrolling the page.

Most people won't read your entire article, but rather they scan through it.

Using subheads, bullet points, highlights, bold headers, h3 tags, h2 tags, and pattern interrupts will do wonders for your user experience.

Pamela Wilson wrote a brilliant piece this week on Copyblogger, and she teaches us how to properly write subheads that will hook your reader and increase the time on site. I suggest reading this article and taking notes.

8. How to Get More Customers

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Joe Speiser ⚡️
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June 8th 2022

I recently discovered Joe Speiser.

I loved this thread because it says what everyone knows but no one wants to say.

In order to run a successful business, you need to (wait for it) ... make money.

Don't get caught up in the hype trap of followers, likes, shares, etc.

You need to get paying customers. This thread was a good roadmap on how to get them.

9. Robinhood's Stock is Now Worth Less than It's Cash On Hand

Robinhood Markets Inc. shares slumped to a fresh low on Wednesday, giving the beleaguered brokerage a market value that’s less than the cash on its balance sheet.

What a disaster.

10. Final Thought - "One Bright Second."

I struggled with some deep anxiety and borderline depression this week. I have no idea why.

I'm not sure if it was the stock market, or the stupid Ukraine war that seems like it will never end, or the fact that my family already spent $1200 on food this month. I was feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders.

On Tuesday, I had a TERRIBLE Muay Thai training session. It was one of the worst sessions I've ever had. After my training, I sat in the gym for a bit feeling sorry for myself.

After a few minutes, I pulled out my phone and scrolled Twitter. I found this snippet from Tim Urban, and it immediately put things into perspective.

It reminded me that the best thing I can do is live every day to the fullest.

I want to help people, spread love, share my ideas, and do the most good I can while I'm alive.

I'm here to appreciate our one bright second.

Love you guys. Talk to you next week.


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