Proof That You Can Make $1,000,000 Without a "Big" Following

Published about 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hello. Tim here.

This week, the little man walked into the shower fully clothed, and blasted himself with freezing cold water. It was glorious.


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1. Proof That You Can Make $1,000,000 Without a "Big" Following

You want to make money. Don't you?

But there's a problem. You're being told that you need to post on social 4 times a day and that you need to create a podcast and a blog and a newsletter and wtf?

You don't need any of that. That's all (for the most part) a huge waste of time.

This week, I am going to teach you how to attract leads, close deals, get paid, and hit 7 figures WITHOUT begging and pleading on Instagram for attention.

(You'll notice this week's issue has a common theme lol)

Okay, let's do this.

Step 1 - Build a Website and Write 10 - 20 "Cornerstone Pages."

The most effective way to generate meaningful attention to your business is with SEO. More specifically, you need to research the 15 - 20 keywords that people are searching for when they are actively looking for your services.

For Stodzy, I only have 6 cornerstone pages (and I am adding two more since we are expanding our services.)

Here they are ...

These pages all rank for the keyword *title of page* marketing. For instance ...

  • drug rehab marketing
  • drug detox marketing
  • marketing for mental health facilities
  • etc

Step 2 - Write Long Form Guides for These Pages

Here's the kicker, you probably won't rank for these pages right away. But if you make these pages your primary focus, you will undoubtedly get to the point where these pages are generating enough traffic to where they are producing leads.

How do you do that? Here are some pointers ...

  • aim for 2500 words or more
  • be sure to put your keyword in the title and the headers at least once
  • as you write blog posts, be sure to link back to your cornerstone pages in a way that's natural
  • do outreach every week trying to get backlinks to those pages.

Your metric of success IS NOT traffic. Your metric is the right traffic. gets around 50 hits a day. Bu the leads keep coming.

Step 3 - Create an Email Popup

You may not like it, but popups are the best way to collect email addresses. There are two options ...

First, you could use a program called hellobar. Hellobar has an option for a full site takeover, which is nice. Here's what mine looks like.

Your second option is to use the modal option in Convertkit and create a popup that way.

Right this second, I have my designer creating a popup directly in Convertkit. Although hellobar is great, it also costs $25 a month and I can get the same results directly in ConvertKit which I already pay for.

Hellobar requires no coding skill, which is why it's a good option to get started.

The point is to create a popup that sells the desired outcome of what your ideal customers want.

Step 4 - Create an Automation that Books Phone Calls and Appointments

Once you get people to sign up to your list, you should send them through an automation that emails them and convinces them to use your service.

I always use the same formula, which is I alternate between proof and trust.

Proof shows that my company generates results. So I give case studies and hard evidence of the results we've generated.

Trust is testimonials. People care more about what other people say than anything else.

What's most important in this section is that you ALWAYS put a link at the bottom of the emails asking them to book a call.

In the beginning, you should make it a click to call phone number and get them to call you directly.

Yes, you will deal with a lot of annoying phone calls, but when you're getting started, you want to talk to as many people as you possibly can.

Step 5 - Continue to Send Emails

Don't be afraid of being annoying.

The purpose is to close deals. I send a helpful newsletter once a week and then a direct call to action email 1 - 2 times a week.

Again, the purpose of these emails is to get your prospect to book a call. (To repeat, in the beginning, you should incentivize them to call you directly. Make the link in your email a click to call button.)

Here's a recent email I sent on Tuesday. The link in the email isn't even a link to my site, it's an article I found on Search Engine Land.

Don't overcomplicate it. Just be useful and always have a CTA.

Step 6 - Close Deals

All of this will be useless if you're afraid to close.

Step 6 is to learn how to sell. Learn how to navigate rebuttals. Learn different techniques and closes for different situations. It will be the most useful skill you ever learn.

People Fail When They Get Discouraged

You will have months where you feel invincible. You will have months where no matter what you do, you can't seem to close a deal.

Learn to control your emotions and your mind. If you commit to this strategy and stay consistent, I have no doubt you will find success in time.

It took me 4 years to make $1,000,000. I'm not special. If I can do it, you can do it. I promise.

2. Is Social Media Overrated?

This week, Ethan and I squared up for a debate.

Ethan argues that social media is a critical tool in growing an online business. I argue that for the most part, it's a complete waste of time. And yes, I say this knowing full well that I use social media to build my own brands.

I got a lot of positive feedback from this episode. People appreciated the thoughtful debate.

Click here to listen to the full episode.

3. Sponsor this Newsletter

Guess what? You're reading promotional content in a newsletter. Sponsoring influencer newsletters, like mine, is a great way to reach engaged and targeted audiences. It will build your brand — whether that is your personal brand or your business. The Tim Stodz newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network. This network connects businesses to audiences of newsletter readers. For example, you can sponsor this newsletter and connect with about 10,200 people with similar interests to yours.

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4. Copywriting Secrets - Book Review

This was the best copywriting book I've ever read.

I love the phrase "everyone thinks they're a good writer until they have to write copy." And it's true. Writing sales copy for your products is HAAARDDD.

This book completely broke down the process of writing sales pages.

Step. By. Step.

I loved it.

Click here to watch the 5 minute review.

5. Final Thought - "Drinking Poison."

For some reason, I decided to download Instagram on my phone tonight. (As I'm writing this, it's 7:26 PM on Thursday).

I have a STRICT no social media on my phone policy.

What do you think happened?

Within 10 minutes, I was glued to the screen. I was feeding my daughter with my left arm, and with my right hand, I was staring at my phone, ignoring my surroundings and mindlessly scrolling through pictures and videos of other guys who were richer than me and in better shape than me.

What a crazy thing we do. It's like drinking poison and hoping it will make you feel better.

Social media ruins the present moment in exchange for anxiety about the future.

I have plenty of money, I'm in amazing shape, I have a beautiful family and even through I know that on a practical level, I am just as vulnerable to the self comparison trap as anyone else.

So ... I am once again reminding you to use social media as a tool to improve your life. Don't let it use you.

Don't drink the poison.

Love you guys. Talk to you next week.


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