The 5 Personality Traits of the Ultra Wealthy

Published almost 2 years ago • 5 min read

Hello. Tim here.

There are billions of galaxies with billions of stars. Somehow, someway, you ended up right where you are at this particular moment in time and space.

That's remarkable. Life is grand.


Digital Commerce Partners is the content marketing and SEO agency from me, Brian Clark, and Jon Nastor.

Ready to level up? Click here to see if we are a good fit.

1. The Five Personality Traits of the Ultra Wealthy

Success in business can be predicted.

There are personality markers that are highly correlated with success, not just in business, but in all areas of life.

These personality traits can be detected, measured, and improved upon.

That means if you are willing to be honest with yourself and take action to change your behavior, you have every opportunity to accumulate wealth, prosperity, and success.

Do you have what it takes?

Let’s find out.

2. Nine Growth Hacks from the Motley Fool

On this week’s episode, Ethan and I dissect 9 killer growth hacks from The Motley Fool. These hacks have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in sales.

Steal them, and use them to grow your own biz now.

Click here to listen on iTunes and click here to listen on Spotify.

3. What You Need to Know if You Want to Sell Your Business

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Ali Ladha
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July 10th 2022

A few months ago, I listened to a podcast with Rob Dyrdek. He spoke about an experience he had that made him realize he was looking at business in the wrong order.

He decided that for every business he started, he would first think about how he would exit the business, and then work backwards to come up with the steps to get there. The purpose of building a business should be to eventually sell it.

If you want to sell a business, you need to know about EBITDA.

Read this Twitter thread written by Ali Ladha. You want to know this information NOW, and not when you're in the middle of a transaction.

Believe me, knowing what you're talking about is critically important when negotiating in business.

Here's a link to the thread.

4. The Evolution from Freelancer to Automated Income (Bootstrapper Members Only)

One of the Discords I’m in is a writing community. So naturally, we have a lot of freelance writers. Earlier this week, a few were complaining about how freelance writers are underpaid relative to the “good old days” of print media empires.

Here’s the blunt response I shared with them:

“I see a lot of writers who make the mistake a lot of content creators make. You're not a "content creator." You're an entrepreneur who creates content.

You may not be a freelance writer, but if you’re tired of begging and pleading for people to open their wallets, you have to evolve from freelancer to automated income.

Here are a few ideas

5. Starting a Content Business

I'm grateful for the opportunity to talk to Adrian Rosebrock on his new podcast.

Here's what I love about Adrian .. he's a winner.

Adrian has already built a ridiculously successful business with PyImageSearch. Now he wants to challenge himself in a brand new way, by creating a podcast and working with high level execs across the world.

He was kind and interesting and really generous with his questions. It's a great episode and you should listen to it.

6. I'm Obsessed with Videos of People Falling Over Shopping Carts

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because men are happier than women
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July 5th 2022

A few weeks ago, I linked to an Instagram video of some guy getting tripped by his friend while holding a shopping cart.

I noted that the video was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Lucky you, I found another one. My wife and I watched this at least 100 times. I laughed so hard that I got tunnel vision. My abs contorted in a way that actually frightened me.

I hope to god this becomes some new TikTok trend.

I don't understand. Why don't they just let go of the shopping cart? There has to be a scientific explanation.

7. The No Fuss Guide to Upselling and Cross selling

I have been working my butt off to build The Bootstrapper. I'm taking all the lesson's I learned with Copyblogger and applying them to my new product.

One of the areas in which I am still a rookie is how to cross sell and upsell.

Over the next week, I will be learning as much as I can and trying to incorporate different sales tactics into my funnels.

I will be using this guide to help me.

8. How to Pitch an Article (and Get an Enthusiastic Response)

If you want to write about anything you’d like, as often as you’d like, there’s a place for that: Your own website. But sooner or later it will come time to learn how to pitch an article.

Publishing posts on your own blog is a modern privilege that gives writers the freedom to digitally share their work publicly. And they can potentially reach any reader with an internet connection.

Can you imagine going back in history and telling that to professional writers who only wrote on paper? Scribes whose only readers were those in physical possession of their writing?

They’d surely be amazed.

9. A Good Reminder

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jckbtchr 〰
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July 14th 2022

It's okay to repeat yourself. The people who discover you today have no idea what you said yesterday.

10. Final Thought - "The Time Has Come"

The last few days have been emotional. You may be socked to hear this, but I am stepping down from my position at Stodzy.

When Bryan and I first started Stodzy, we did everything. It was just us two.

Over time, we brought in employees and learned to fill for positions we needed. But the hardest position to fill of the position of "decision maker."

That's ultimately what a leader is. It's someone who makes a decision and takes accountability of the results.

No matter how much Stodzy has grown, it's been very difficult for me to let go of that role. "No one will ever care as much as I care" is the common fear. But I am ready to let go.

Tricia has been by our side for years. She is one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. She's incredible. The challenges she has overcome are monumental. She inspires me so much because no matter what challenges she has had to face, she has somehow continued to show up day in and day out.

There's no one better to take over full control of the company. And I am happy to hand her the crown.

So what will I do now?

I will sell. I will grow. I will network. I will do what I am best at.

I am the best salesperson I know, so the best thing I can do for my company and for everyone else at my company is to focus all my efforts of growth. I am able to do this because I know full well that the service and products I am selling are the best in the business.

How do I know that?

Because I have the best team. By far. There's not even a close second.

Love you. Talk to you next week.


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