The Skills You Need to Make Money Online

Published about 2 years ago • 4 min read

Hello. It's Tim.

I want you to know that I believe in you, that I appreciate you, and that your work matters. Get after it!


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1. The Skills You Need to Make Money Online

Making money is a skill.

It requires practice and effort and most importantly, it requires intentionality.

You must TRY to make money. You must be clear and unapologetic about your efforts. A lot of people have a hard time saying "I want to make a lot of money," because it makes you feel shameful and embarrassed, as though you're doing something you need to hide.

To make money, you need to develop certain skills. In this week's article, I go through the most important skills you need to develop in order to be successful.

It's a good article, I hope you read it.

2. The U.S. Dollar and the Yuan

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Phil Rosen
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March 26th 2022

I found this article fascinating.

Business insider breaks down all the possible outcomes if the U.S. dollar were to lose it's status as the world reserve currency. In addition, he talks about all the ways in which that could be beneficial to the U.S. and also to the world.

I was very skeptical when reading this and believe me, I am abso-fuckin-lutely team USA. I suggest you give it a read.

3. Hell Yeah Amanda You Rock

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Amanda Natividad
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March 31st 2022

My friend Amanda was published on Forbes this week for her amazing newsletter called The Menu.

I read every issue. Amanda is one of the most intelligent and competent people I've ever met. She's gonna do big big things, just you watch.

4. How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer

Wondering how to make money as a freelance writer? Well, buckle up, because everyone loves the part of the hero’s journey where our protagonist accepts the “call to adventure” and “crosses the threshold” from “the ordinary world” into “the extraordinary world.”

It’s engaging. It’s hopeful. It pushes the plot forward.

But we can’t forget about the challenges and struggles that come next.

5. Making the Choice to be Remarkable

On this week’s episode, Ethan and I talk about how to stand out. They look at unforgettable portfolios of copywriters, and break down the ideas you can use to make your own website or product stand out.

Listen to the episode on iTunes and on Spotify

6. How to Speak

I've shared this video on my Twitter before, but it's always worth sharing.

You're success in life is almost entirely dependent on your ability to communicate. MIT professor Patrick Winston published his lector online.

I can not believe we will in a world where we can get this information for free.

7. Why You Need to Have an Opinion

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Tim Stoddart
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March 31st 2022

You're not going to please everyone.

8. Expensive Crypto Hacks are Becoming a Part of Web3 Life

(image source)

I'll be the first to tell you that I am excited about the future of crypto. No matter what, blockchain technology will have huge implications, but at times I've felt like the only person looking at this whole thing and saying "ummmmm there are some real problems here."

Web3 maxis believe in blockchain so much, that they continuously justify the shortcomings of the new world. But there are problems. We need to come clean.

This week, Parmy Wilson write a great piece on Bloomberg explaining the most recent crypto hack, and highlighting what the real world vulnerabilities of web3 really are.

9. Poise in the Face of Calmness (Subscribers Only)

Do you feel anxious when life is calm? Do you get restless in the quiet and look for something to do?

This habit is most likely detrimental to you, and sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all.

I wrote about it on The Blank Page this week. Check it out.

10. Final Thought - "We are the cool kids now."

I watched an interview with Jim Carrey about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. He said he felt discussed and like it was a real turning point, where we saw celebrities act in a way that completely outside the norm of real life.

After the incident, Will Smith got up on stage and accepted his award, and people cheered for him.

What the fuck?

It was a sign of the times. It was a turning point. Society doesn't look at Hollywood as the shinning light of media anymore. We look at ourselves.

This isn't actually about what he did and whatever personal shit he is going through.

The point is that we watched the crumbling of Hollywood and we saw first hand how spineless they are and how unwilling any of them are to take a stance that could effect their "image."

Hollywood isn't the cool kids anymore. We are.

The independent people like you and I who share our ideas and put them into the world.

We're the cool kinds now. Buckle up.

Love you guys. Talk to you next week.


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