This is the Reality of Success

Published over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hey there. Tim here.

You're not drinking enough water. Stay hydrated. It's important.


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1. The Reality of Success

I can't think of anything to write this week. I'm searching the back of my mind in hopes of finding some secret strategy or sales tactic you can use to grow your revenue and improve your life.

But guess what. You don't need another sales hack. You don't need an easier, softer way to achieve your goals.

You need to execute.

My go to sales line.

Yesterday I was on a sales call with the CEO of a big company and a potentially big client. The woman who owns the business asked me a question. She asked "what makes you different than the other companies we could work with?"

I said, "we execute."

The CEO replied and said "that's it?"

I said "you don't want to hire us because of our creativity or our proprietary formula or any other gimmick I could propose to you. You want to hire us because you need leads and qualified phone calls for your business. If you want leads and phone calls, then you should hire us. If you want a special formula and a list of tasks that are completed each month, you should hire someone else."

She looked at me for a bit and then replied. She said "send me the contract."

I said "yes ma'am."

Up at 3:50.

My wife woke me up at 3:50 this morning. She did it because she loves me. She tickled me with her long nails (which isn't as pleasant as it sounds) and said "wake up babe ... you gotta write your newsletter."

So here I am. It's now 4:24 and I'm forcing myself to get these words on a page because I have a responsibility to show up for you every Friday.

I'm proud to be able to claim that I show up, week after week, day after day, time and time again ... for as long as it takes.

I have confidence in my businesses because I don't actually look at the score. I just keep showing up and executing on the next right task in front of me.

For me, it's never been more complicated than that.

You have a bigger opportunity than you realize.

You may not believe this, but the barrier to entry in your field is much lower than you think it is. Most people never get started, and those that do rarely continue on the process for as long as is required.

A lot of you read my emails and reply to me and ask me questions about building a business, and I love to answer your questions. I want to help you.

But 9 times out of 10, the answer is simply that you need to execute.

You need to show up and get the job done without expectation or judgement on yourself. You need to be willing to do what most people won't do. To do it over and over again, until the universal laws of physics have no choice but to grant you the success you've been working towards.

I believe in you.

2. How We 10Xd Our Leads By Using This Simple (But Effective) Strategy

This week, Ethan and I talk about how the team at Digital Commerce Partners has been able to 10X our leads.

We also discuss the different software products we used that have been instrumental in increasing our cold outreach.
It was a great episode with some very helpful insights for anyone struggling to close enough deals.

Click here to listen to the episode.

3. ConvertKit Recommends Sahil Bloom's Curiosity Chronicle

ConvertKit is the email software behind thousands of newsletters, including Millennial Homeowner. As you might expect, the ConvertKit team reads tons of great content and wanted to share a newsletter recommendation with you.

Sahil Bloom's Curiosity Chronicle is a twice-weekly newsletter that provides actionable ideas to help you build a high-performing, healthy, wealthy life.

Subscribe to Sahil Bloom's Curiosity Chronicle

4. [Book Review] - Think and Grow Rich

About a year and a half into my sobriety, I was recommended the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. I read the book and it changed everything for me.

I read a lot and I commonly talk about the the books that have had the biggest impact on me, but no book has impacted me more than this book.

Reading it was a spiritual experience, and this book helped me find answers to many of the questions I was searching for.

The book lays out 12 principles to riches. The author is clear about “riches” being in the form of money, but really these 12 principles lay the foundation for anything you want to achieve in your life.

I can’t recommend this book enough. Everyone should read it.

5. Final Thought - "Why Are We Always Afraid of the Downturn?"

Someone I know (and respect) posted a story on Instagram the other day that made me think.

He posted this graphic ...

In his post, he made mention that he wouldn't recommend starting a podcast and that the days of podcasting are over.

First of all, this isn't true. Audio is the most personalized form of content. When someone listens to your voice, they get to know you.

Don't you feel like you have a relationship with the people who host the podcasts you listen to?

For that reason alone, podcasting will always be a very effective medium of content.

But more importantly, his post made me think about human nature.

Why is it that we always want to jump on board trends, but we run away from them as soon as they hit a downturn? This is the exact opposite of what you want to do.

You can see evidence of this in the stock market. When a stock is ramping up, people jump on board to buy the stock, but when a stock is falling, everyone panics and sells.

If you want to make money in the stock market, you want to get in on the downturn with the expectation that everyone else is selling and that the trend will find an upswing in the future. You want to be where people are not.

Granted, I understand that sometimes trends come and go and we must all use our judgement to decide when we think the timing is right on any new venture.

But the data is clear on this. Massive success depends on asymmetry. If you jump on board only when everyone else is jumping on board, you will only ever be what everyone else already is.

Human beings panic during downturns because we hate uncertainty.

But certainty is a myth. It's a construct. You never had certainty and you never will. You will only ever have the perception of certainty which leads you to make bad decisions based on fear.

Here's the point: Don't fear the downturn. Don't panic and change your mind at the first sign of trouble.

The downturn is an opportunity. It always will be because it provides the framework for asymmetric growth in the future.

So don't be like everyone else. Carve your own path. Don't be a follower or a sheep. Embrace the uncertainty of the downturn.

Love you guys. Talk next week.


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