Russell Brunson's 3 Core Values

Published over 1 year ago • 7 min read

Hello. Tim here.

I'm experimenting with a slightly different format this week. Instead of writing a full length blog post, I'm going to write the week's lesson directly in the email. Please hit reply and let me know if you prefer this method better.

1. Russell Brunson's 3 Core Values

I'm reading Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson. I'm at a new phase in my life where I am trying to approach digital marketing like a beginner, and so I'm reeducating myself on subjects I think I already know.

Here's what I've learned so far.

When creating content (especially ads), almost all business are based in one of three "core markets."

They are ...

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationships

Then, we can break down our ideal customer by sub category and then finally, a niche.

To see how this works, I will use my own brand ( as an example.

Below is an outline of the basic framework.

1. Your first step is to determine which of these core markets your business fits in. Be specific, although it may seem that your business can fit in more than one, you will have better success by choosing just one.

For me, my target customer is interested in generating wealth.

2. Then, you can itemize your target market even further.

Wealth is a very generic term. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of sub categories for wealth. This is another opportunity to get more specific. In this example, I can determine that my target customer is interested in entrepreneurship.

3. Finally, you can go one step further to discover a niche.

Again, using this example, I've identified that my target customer is interested in creating multiple income streams and generating passive income.

Here is what it looks like.

Wealth -> Entrepreneurship -> Generating Multiple Income Streams

From this point forward, everything I do is serving my target customer. There is no point in doing anything else. If my marketing, resources, products, and customer service aren't designed specifically for serving my target customer, then I'm wasting my time.

Lesson: Many business fail because they don't know who they are serving. As such, you may be wasting time, money, and energy on work that will have no return on investment.

Focus all your attention of serving your target customer, and the money will start pouring in.

2. Danny Miranda: On Storytelling, Newsletters, and Growing A Podcast

On this week’s episode, Ethan Brooks sat down with podcaster and newsletter writer, Danny Miranda to talk about storytelling, the business of content, the art of interviewing, and how to grow a podcast.

Check Danny out on Twitter, with his Podcast (The Danny Miranda Show) or at his newsletter.

Click here to listen to the podcast and read the full show notes.

3. The Pricing Technique that Every Creator Needs to Learn

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Nathan Barry
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October 15th 2022

I think this is the 4th time I have featured Nathan on my newsletter. I love how he breaks down techniques with such simplicity.

He gets into the specifics.

What button do you need to push? How EXACTLY did you design your website? What were the SPECIFIC actions you took?

This week, Nathan gave us a behind the scenes look at how he has priced some of his products, and the results speak for themselves.

Click here to read the thread and be sure to put this simple framework into practice.

I especially recommend price anchoring. It's been very effective in my own products.


4. The Secret to Success is Shipping Your Work Daily

Today’s issue is brought to you by Ship 30 for 30 🚢

Writing online has changed my life. And for those looking to get started, I highly recommend Ship 30 for 30 from my friends Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole – it's hands down the best writing course & community out there. Enrollment in the next cohort closes in 7 days, so click here to secure your spot and use code TIM at checkout to save $100.

And if you’re on the fence, just read these testimonials from their 5,619 successful alumni!

PS: Even if you don’t sign up to learn from them live in their next cohort, I highly recommend checking out their Ultimate Guide To Start Writing Online—it’s 100% free, get it here.

5. Let Me Tell You a Secret

It felt good to make this video.

Everyone feels like they need to be a professional to start creating content.

The opposite is true.

In this video, I talk about why.

6. China Isn't Going to Pass America as the World's Largest Economy

I realize you guys may be sick of me writing about the Chinese markets every week, but I can't stop. It's FASCINATING!

For the last ten years, American's have been TERRIFIED of the dragon. The thought of there being an economy in the world that is bigger than the US economy is harder for most people to understand than quantum mechanics.

About 2 years ago, I started learning all about the soft underbelly of the Chinese economy. There are 4 critical flaws.

First, China is a massive net importer of fuel and food. They have terrible farm land and in addition, the vast majority of their fuel comes in through the Indian Ocean. If shit got real, all it would take is for a pack of American destroyers to blockade the Indian ocean and the entire Chinese industrial system collapses within a month.

Second, Xi Jinping is not a good leader. His power is even more centralized than Mao's. He is the single decision maker of the entire country of 1.2 billion people. He is in a MASSIVE echo chamber that makes Putin look like a worldly statesman. The leadership of the CCP has created what looks like histories biggest debt bubble on top of a Ponzi scheme, and has single handedly destroyed the entire venture capital markets. It's incredible.

Third, China can't make chips. China's totalitarian government makes it easy for them to create massive infrastructure projects. They can build, and fast. But believe it or not, China does not have the scientific know how to develop microprocessors. They can't even make the machines to make the parts that make the machines that make the chips. F

Fourth, and most importantly, China's population is collapsing. The fall of Maoism mixed with the One Child Policy is quite literally going to cut the size of the Chinese population in half by 2050. This isn't speculative, these are numbers.

Okay so let me give you some links that will help you get caught up on China.

In closing - Invest in America. There is a lot of THE HOUSE IS BURNING rhetoric right now, but the bear market is only 25% below is high, and the average bear market is 35%. Inflation is a problem and things are not great ... but America remains the greatest economy in the world. There's not even a close second.

7. SEO for Content Writers, Simplified

If you’re looking to get more website traffic, SEO for content writers becomes an unavoidable subject.

SEO (search engine optimization) plays a big role in getting a return from all of the work we put into building our audiences with great content and email newsletter writing.

But too often SEO becomes overwhelming or confusing for writers, so they put it on the back-burner. Instead of realizing that they already have all of the skills they need to master SEO, they decide to focus on it “later” (which sometimes means never).

Let’s get started with this guide to SEO for content writers.

Here are three easy ways to help you get more traffic to your website.

8. Now is a Great Time to Get Into E-Commerce

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Andrew Youderian
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October 19th 2022

I don't usually post more than one Twitter thread in my newsletter, but I found this to be fascinating.

Read it and let me know if you agree with Andrew's thesis or not.

9. Clean Energy is Reaching a Tipping Point

Five percent isn’t a universal tipping point. Some technologies flip sooner, others later, but the basic idea is the same: Once the tough investments in manufacturing have been made and consumer preferences start to shift, the first wave of adoption sets the conditions to go much bigger.
The US hit the 5% threshold in 2011 and surged past 20% renewable electricity last year. If the country follows the trend set by others at the leading edge, wind and solar will account for half of US power-generating capacity just 10 years from now.
One phenomenon underpinning the tipping points is known as the experience curve. Wind and solar are technologies, not fuels, so the more panels and turbines are deployed, the better we get at making them.

10. Final Thought - "It Doesn't Have to be Perfect."

I put a lot of pressure on myself to always do the best I can.

I want to be successful and I want to be known as someone who does good work. As much as I have loved this journey of building my personal brand, I admit there have been times when I sit back and ask "why do I put so much pressure on myself?"

I have this fear that if I make a mistake or if I come up short, then everyone will notice and they will think less of me.

That's never happened.

Last week, when I sent the Friday email and told the story about my son, I received a FLOOD of replies with people telling me that thought I did the right thing and that they loved what I do.

I didn't expect that. I thought people would feel disappointed that they didn't receive my weekly newsletter as promised. I was very hard on myself.

This is funny to me, because if I were giving advice to someone else, I would tell them that people are forgiving and accepting and they truly enjoy seeing you as a person. But when it's me, I say things to myself that I would never say to anyone else.

I'm working on giving myself a bit of grace. I have already accomplished so much, and I'm fearful that if I take my foot off the gas, I will look back at this time and think to myself "I wish I would have given it my absolute best."

But here's the thing ... there's a difference between effort and perfection. No one can ever tell me I don't give it my best effort, but that doesn't mean that everything will be perfect.

To be flawed is to be human. I'm starting to find acceptance in that.

Love you guys. Talk to you next week


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